The G-ROLE Africa Initiative

The Golden Rule of Leadership for Africa

“Back to the Roots”
The G-ROLE is a Principle of Leadership/Service that encourages the RESPONSIBILITY and OWNERSHIP of one’s Products/Services through Self- Patronage of the Products/Services as an Evidence of COMMITMENT and TRUST to the PEOPLE.

“One of the most difficult things is not to change society — but to change yourself.”

“I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me.”

The G-ROLE Africa Movement is initiated to inspire and restore the pride in our core Leadership Values and Cultures as Africans towards the establishment of a New African Image by 2035. This mission line promotes the self-esteem and confidence in believing in ourselves and our products. The G-ROLE Africa is founded on the inspiration that Africa is a fundamental component of the Global Natural Ecosystem; thus, she exists to add value to the Natural balance and survival of the entire world. Rather than thriving on receiving aids and support from other continents, we should be able to offer aids and support to other foreign communities. Rather than bringing up our children in the habit of dependency, we should be able to offer them values of self-sufficiency, contentment, and reciprocity to the world. Rather than depending on the foreign communities for essential services of life, we depend on ourselves for those essential supports. This way, we own, use, and value our products FIRST and only seek services from outside Africa on areas of our Natural Weaknesses.
In essence, the G-ROLE Africa mission line is designed to promote Leadership values that are founded on the fundamental values of self-support, improved self-worth, improved self-image, ownership and patronage of our products and services. The mission inspires and connects Africans of like-minds who share same vision for a New Africa. Consequently, establish a Network of the African movement toward this Vision in all African countries. The G-ROLE Africa has determined that the TRANSFORMATION of our core LEADERSHIP values and not the Leaders is the most effective target toward achieving this vision in 2035. We STRONGLY believe in this Vision and know WE CAN DO IT. We can save our continent from extinction. All future events and programs regarding this Mission Line would be updated on Event Page.

” If a man does not eat at home, he may never give his wife enough money to cook a good pot of soup”